The Association of Public Treasurers of the United States and Canada (APTUS&C) was founded in 1965 and represents public treasury and finance officials in local, county and state / provincial governments throughout North America.

The Association provides educational seminars and conferences, publications, policy and legislative information, and technical assistance to members and works closely with many state associations like WAMCAT.

For more information on APTUS&C and to find out how you can become a member, click on www.aptusc.org.

Two of the more common accreditations that APTUS&C provides are the Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA) and the Advanced Certified Public Finance Administrator (ACPFA):

Certified Public Finance Administrator (CPFA)

Attaining the designation of Certified Public Finance Administrator means that an individual is committed to education and experience in his or her chosen profession.  In order to be eligible for this prestigious designation, an individual must be the elected or appointed treasurer, deputy or assistant treasurer, employee in or dealing with the office of treasurer or principal officer in the governmental entity who is charged with the performance or supervision of one or more of the following responsibilities:  investments, debt or treasury activities.

For more information on this designation, go to www.aptusc.org/accreditations/cpfa.

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Contact Cecilia Good at cgood@sheridanwy.gov with any questions or concerns.